

Mom, what’s the Plan?
Mom: plan is complete five Salesforce certifications in the next two years.
Mom, weekend plan?
Oh’ yes! On Saturday get up at 4am and do three hours study with my study buddy from east coast.
Mom, you are awesome! What about fun?
Mom: I am just an immigrant, fun would be, hopefully i become a Salesforce developer in two years?  dreaming Salesforce career, singing “ Tuje Dekha to ye Jana sanam” pretty much every day, to make sure you don’t forget your Indian parent, Jonathan. 

Note: For a California kid use reverse psychology. Every time he talks about video games, discord chats, antique telephones and cars, every time I talk about exam fever, failed test, study buddy, breaks in my career, and singing songs in several Indian languages to add to the confusion( singing is stress release).Picture of my two boys, my right eye and my left eye, my heart, my world.
— “Himmi & Johnny’s Mom”, wannabes Junior Salesforce Developer. 



Learning never stops.

Well! Hello,

I haven’t been active on my blog since last year. A lot has happen since then. Like every other parent i set to have written down a few new year resolutions and goals at the beginning of 2020. None of us anticipated the CIVID-19, crisis, nor did we ever imagined being stuck at home for as long as six months. There is good and bad to everything. In my case a lot of good, more than I expected, I should say. Well! I normally do not really expect much to happen even though I make a long list of items to accomplish. Anyways long story short, a nice pleasant surprise is to get my hearing back. It still tickles my heart when I come to think of it. Because, a part of me lost all hopes of every revering my hearing. I will talk more about it another time.

Now let me share what got me excited about wring this blog today. I have always been a geek, awkward, and uncomfortable in social situations for a long time in United States, wondering how to cope, how to present myself elegantly, like I could do back home in India. Of course, I have several years of training and grooming from my mother to behave like a lady in India. That did not really help me much over hear in the west, since the culture, customs, etiquette, language, etc, everything is absolutely very different. So, I have been looking for a course work to take, to learn and to feel more confident in a very formal social situation.

I did a six weeks program from the school of affluence. An online finishing school for women. I am happy to share my certification below.


Dave Ramsey – Baby Steps for Financial Peace

It’s been a year-long journey since I first heard about Dave Ramsey’s book “The Total Money Makeover”. My husband and I took the nine weeks Financial Peace University program towards the beginning of this year. Followed by me taking five months to complete Master Coach Certification.

Being an immigrant is not easy, going deaf is not easy, financial stress can cause havoc in marriage, and personal finance is an important knowledge to possess since we live very long lives thanks to great healthcare, preventive care available to us. As part of the festival season and giving back tradition, I am offering free one-hour consultation, message me, to make good use of it.

No more money fights! With Financial Peace University, you and your spouse will learn how to create (and stick to) a budget, save for emergencies, and make a plan for the future. Doesn’t that sound peaceful? I’m offering FPU at Campbell United Methodist Church just for you starting Sunday, January 12, 2020. If you’re interested in learning more, send me a message! You can also visit fpu.com/1104478 to sign up!




It has been a month since Tiger passed away. No, I have not cried yet. I feel dry, weird, lump, stuck, angry, annoyed, mad and nothing, sorta empty, when I am alone, I have the time to think about Tiger. My big brother, the first one, Tiger, the dashing, intelligent, smart big brother we all the rest of the siblings adored. We have always looked up to him, wanted to be just like him, while growing up. I am also mad at my self right now. So, is that it? I just forget like nothing happened and get on with my life? or go back down my memory line and try to remember all the good memories and bury the bad once? After my Mum and Dad, Tiger and his wife, whom I dearly call Vadina, had the single most influence on me. Because I grew up with them. Here are the few things that come to my mind.

  1. Tiger was a perfectionist.
  2. Tiger introduced me to Telecommunications, HAM radio.
  3. Tiger also introduced me to Computers.
  4. Tiger introduced me to Basketball.
  5. Tiger introduced me to Engineering, JNTU.
  6. Tiger introduced me all the Hollywood movies.
  7. Tiger taught me multiplication tables, with terror, when I was a little girl, no excuses you have got to memorize them, period, end of discussion.
  8. Tiger encouraged me to DREAM. Tiger knew I was a dreamer and encouraged me to be me.
  9. Tiger was an extremely responsible big brother a little sister can have.
  10. Tiger loved his family, very much.

Enough for today……..I love Tiger, and he is going to be missed.


Gratitude – Focus on what is going well in Life!! One hundred things to be grateful.

  1. Health and body
  2. Work and success
  3. Money and cash flow
  4. Relationships
  5. Passions, hobbies
  6. Nature: Sun, planets etc.
  7. Senses: sight, touch, hearing, smell, taste
  8. Speech
  9. Books
  10. Pretty Sunrises and Sunsets
  11. Good Movie
  12. Entertainment
  13. Pets
  14. Modern medicine
  15. Any subject of your choice
  16. Healthy immune system
  17. Meditation, yoga, work out
  18. Alert mind
  19. Focus
  20. Teachers in life
  21. Internet connection
  22. Healthy Heart
  23. Hearing
  24. Air conditioning
  25. A good meal
  26. A nice restaurant
  27. Joy
  28. Happiness
  29. Love
  30. Magical, surprise, random, pleasant events – bumping into an old friend/new friend
  31. Siblings bond
  32. Joyful experiences – memories, present day.
  33. Rain
  34. Animals, butterfly
  35. Technology
  36. Kind strangers
  37. The Holidays (Christmas)
  38. A good Margarita/drink
  39. Cozy romantic evening
  40. Vacations
  41. Synchronicity
  42. Your other half-Partner-Besties-Soulmate
  43. Sharing a smile with a stranger
  44. Winning a deal
  45. Fun workout class
  46. When you get something cool for FREE
  47. Alone time
  48. Grace
  49. Friday nights
  50. Sunday Mornings
  51. Weekends, activities on the weekend
  52. A good Party
  53. Chocolate
  54. A good dance
  55. The ability to Dream – Write your dreams – Intend it.
  56. Lunch dates
  57. Date nights
  58. Coffee
  59. Kisses
  60. Being able to set a goal and achieve it- Celebrate small victories
  61. A good hug
  62. Unconditional love – Dad, Mom, Grandma, grandpa
  63. Good hair day
  64. When someone compliments your work
  65. When someone compliments you look pretty
  66. Pay day/Bonus/ Incentive
  67. Surprise windfall Money
  68. Autumn colors
  69. Snow
  70. Respect
  71. Sincere apologies
  72. The ability to help others without expecting nothing in return – Good Karma
  73. Great Boss
  74. Great coworkers
  75. Great business Partners
  76. Teamwork
  77. Traditions – Family Christmas
  78. Forgiveness
  79. Passion
  80. Generosity of others
  81. Seasons changing
  82. Long drive on the coast
  83. Fresh bedsheets, clean bed
  84. A good swim
  85. A good Hike
  86. Learning from a Mistake
  87. Strangers helping you
  88. Surprise presents, flowers
  89. Concerts
  90. A good joke
  91. Favorite comfort food
  92. Almighty! God!
  93. Healthy immune system
  94. Compassion
  95. Nice song on the car radio
  96. Life challenges
  97. Time
  98. Travel
  99. Favorite room
  100. Magical moments – memories, present.

Top 10 Things to Be Thankful For

Thank You Daily

It’s Thankful Thursday on the Facebook page.  This week, I decided to create a list.

top ten

1. Waking up in the morning – Each morning is a gift. When our eyes pop open (or slowly creak open, if you’re anything like me) in the morning, the first thought we should have is “thank you”.

2. Shelter – No matter how grandiose or sparse, protection from the elements is a blessing.

3. A hot shower – I can’t imagine how I would feel about myself if I wasn’t able to bathe everyday.

4. Food to eat – If you’re a child of the 80’s, you most certainly were affected by the images of starving children in Ethiopia in the “We Are the World” video. Some of us spend energy every day trying to decide what to eat for lunch while there are others who have no energy and wonder when their next…

View original post 295 more words


30 days of Gratitude – Day: 5

Ten things I am grateful for today.

1) My day here, is just another peaceful day, while parts of Europe and Middle East is in turmoil.

2) Meditation, that brings peace to my heart.

3) Another beautiful day for a nice long walk.

4) Glad my son is did well in his Math test, at school.

5) Solitude.

6) Social media that connects me to the world when i want to.

7) My mother, who I keep thinking quite often,  i think i learnt “Contentment” from Mom.  I have never seen her complain much. She is the most optimistic person I ever met.

8) Gandhi: I have learnt a lot more on Gandhi in recent years. I am still amazed at Gandhi’s doctrine of nonviolent, peaceful resistance, that worked so beautifully in India. If it worked for India why can’t it work for rest of the worlds political problems? Why is there so much killing  and violence in this world?

9)  Good Karma. Enjoying all the goodness around me.

10) My self-confidence. Meditation gives self-confidence, self-assurance, knowing self, honoring self, making peace with self, where you are, what you are.  By the way meditation is Hindu/Buddhist spiritual practice. It should be learnt from a Guru, teacher. I am getting tired of this  mambo, jumbo that it is an exercise of the mind and such. I am sorry to tell you, but meditation is an eastern spiritual practice for   attaining enlightenment, period. If anyone tells and calls it anything else, they don’t know what they are doing.

Thank you, thank you, thank you God! Almighty!  Thank you so much for a wonderful day.




30 days of Gratitude – Day: 4

Ten things I am grateful for today.

1) 10431 steps walk at Vasona Park.

2) Pandit Ravishankar’s sitar music,

3) US troops.

4) Finding nice parking spots where ever I went today.

5) For my peaceful life.

6) My little boy making coffee to me this evening.

7) My wonderful family and friends.

8) All the new job opportunities coming my way.

9)  104.9 FM, KDFC classical music radio, San Francisco.

10) My son finishing today’s homework without my help and supervision.

Thank you, thank you, thank you God! Almighty!  Thank you so much!



30 days of Gratitude – Day: 3

Ten things I am grateful for today.

1)  10.313 steps Run/walk I took today.

2) Meditation.

3) My family.

4) Mobile communications, Google talk, Skype and  text, that keeps my family in constant contact and communication.

5) Fantastic weather today.

6) Polite and friendly friends and neighbors I met today for small talk.

7)  All the runners on the trail, that inspire me to run.

8) Nice and  long conversation with my son in Austin.

9) Great relationship i have with my two boys.

10) My gorgeous, supportive, caring, trusted, protective, loving and incredible life partner.

Thank you, thank you, thank you God! Almighty!  Thank you so much!!!



30 days of Gratitude – Day: 2

Ten things I am grateful for today.

1) My morning meditation.

2) Nice three day weekend with my family.

3) Awesome friends and neighbors.

4) My life Partner.

5) Gorgeous Sunrise this morning.

6) Safe, secure, very clean and lovely town of Los Gatos, CA.

7) My peaceful life.

8) Simple joys of life.

9) My excellent health.

10) Amazing summer time. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you God! Almighty! for my amazing fantastic life. Life is beautiful. Thank you so much!!